Misk founder Maher Khansaheb grew up surrounded by exquisite and timeless pieces. Heavily inspired by his grandfather’s magnificent collection of art and sculpture, Maher spent his childhood immersed in the creative spirit of the Gulf.
 “My fascination with the region’s culture began at a very young age. I would admire my grandfather’s showcase at his majlis whenever I would visit; the passion behind his extensive collection formed the foundation of my creativity, pushing me to design jewels that encompass Arabic heritage and a modern edge.” 
 Today Maher’s mission is simple: to adapt his Emirati heritage for the contemporary jewellery collector. Noting a strong demand amongst his clients for wearable, modern jewels that nod to an Arabic past, Misk was founded in 2020 to cater to this growing market.
Misk collections breathe new life into the region’s heritage with contemporary jewels reimagining traditional Emirati motifs in precious and semi-precious gemstones gently balanced with 18-karat gold.
The inaugural Al Noor collection sees Arabic architecture, mosaics, and decorative arts portrayed in the distinct designs of the MosaicLace, and Heritage creations that can be layered and stacked together. Opal, lapis lazuli, malachite, and agate beads are mounted alongside diamonds and slicks of coloured enamel, with each piece expertly handcrafted in the UAE. 
 “I deeply adore these materials when it comes to jewellery. With their variety of colours and versatility I know they will greatly appeal to collectors as well.”
 Meanwhile, Misk’s Bespoke creations present one-of-a-kind pieces combining the finest craftsmanship with unique materials. Diamond surmounts suspend cascades of rubies, emeralds, and precious gems in statement earring and pendant designs, with technical feats reserved for the world of “haute joaillerie” including the detailed engraving of gems such as tourmaline. 
 “I particularly enjoy working with tourmaline, with its variety of colours and high lustre. We can play with it, mixing the different colours and carving techniques to create jewels that can either be styled for casual day-wear or a more glamorous evening look.” 
 With their fusion of modern luxury with traditional soul, Misk jewels create the bejewelled legacy of tomorrow that can be worn and cherished today.

نشأ ماهر خنصاحب وسط منزل جده، هذا المكان الذي يعج بقطع فنية رائعة، فريدة من نوعها وخالدة. 

 استوحى ماهر من هذه المجموعة المتميزة والواسعة من اللوحات والمنحوتات التي كان محاطًا بها والتي تنبض بروح الخليج الإبداعية، وكانت فكرة اعادة تصميم الحلي المعتادة ترود في داخله دومًا.


شغفي بثقافة بلادنا بدأ منذ طفولتي وبسن مبكرًا جدًا. بعد التفكير المطول قررت في

٢٠٢٠ ان اخوض مغامرة تصميم المجوهرات، واسست “مسك للمجوهرات” بهدف ان تجمع قطعي

الفريدة ما بين تراثنا العربي الاصيل، والمظهر الحديث الذي يناسب نمط الحياة العصرية.

مجوهرات مسك عبارة عن نسمة إبداع منعشة، مليئة بالحيوية تظهر

.بمجوهرات تعيد تخيل الزخارف الإماراتية الكلاسيكية 

مزيج الأحجار الكريمة الملونة يطفو رونق شبابي على الحلي الاماراتية التقليدية.